


2021_011 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その11

ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← londonist.com 10. The SIS Building, Vauxhall It’s officially called the SIS Building (Secret Intelligence Service), but everyone refers to it as the MI6 building. (Not to be confused with…

BIOHAZARD: Infinit Darknessの海外の反応

It's maybe a thinly veiled metaphor for real world politics, or a story that uses them as inspiration for its own story, but its also just mostly a snooze. thinly うっすら veil ベール metaphor 比喩 現実の政治の世界を薄いベールで比喩してい…

2021_010 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その10

ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← londonist.com 9. West Brompton Lift Tower Only kidding. This is not one of London’s best postmodern buildings. But it was opened by Glenda Jackson… who turned down the role of M in the Ja…

2021_009 英語の勉強を再開します( ᵕ̩̩ㅅᵕ̩̩ ) London’s Best Postmodern Buildings その9

ずっとこのブログをサボっていましたが英語頑張ります← londonist.com 8. Limehouse Link Portals The Isle of Dogs is a happy hunting ground for postmodern architecture. This is unsurprising. The still-continuing construction boom on the peninsu…