


2019_138 訳

londonist.com Brent The most ancient borough name of all. Brent predates the Anglo-Saxons and even the Romans, and comes from a Celtic word meaning 'holy one' or 'high place'. A river of the same name still flows through the borough. It is…

2019_137 訳

londonist.com Bexley Recorded in Domesday Book as Bix, and later as Bixle (a good name for a breakfast cereal, wethinks), 'Bexley' translates as pasture by the stream — presumably the River Cray, which still flows through the area. ◆単語の…

2019_136 訳

www.bbc.com 'Ghost boat' containing human remains washes up on Japanese island Five corpses and two human heads have been discovered inside a shipwreck on the coast of Japan. The boat washed ashore on Japan's Sado Island, northwest from th…

2019_135 訳

londonist.com Barnet The borough of Barnet contains plenty of Barnets — High Barnet, Chipping Barnet, Friern Barnet, New Barnet... All derive their names from the Anglo-Saxon word 'bærnet', which suggests the clearing of woodland by burnin…

2019_134 訳

londonist.com Barking and Dagenham Barking is an ancient, Anglo-Saxon phrase, first recorded as Berecingas. The name either derives from a local chieftan called Bereca or means "the settlement by the birch trees". Dagenham is also ancient,…

2019_133 訳

londonist.com More than fifty years ago, the London Government Act 1963 received Royal Assent. It paved the way, two years later, for radical changes in London's political boundaries. The 32 boroughs that we still know, love and pay our co…

2019_132 訳

londonist.com Westbourne By now, you'll have grasped that anything ending in 'bourne' or 'burn' is likely to have something riverine about it. The Westbourne is no different, merely being a river that flows to the west of town. Connecting …

2019_131 訳

博多出張で聴いた歩行者用信号の音楽「とおりゃんせ」 これは天神様だからいかにも福岡にぴったりで、つい口ずさんでいたら歌詞が気になったので英訳してみます。 とおりゃんせ とおりゃんせ、とおりゃんせ ここはどこの細道じゃ 天神さまの細道じゃ ちょっ…

2019_130 訳

londonist.com Wandle This river, Wandsworth Town, the wider borough of Wandsworth, and the increasingly ubiquitous Wandle beer all owe their names to a person called Wendle, who controlled the land around here in Anglo-Saxon times. We know…

2019_129 訳

londonist.com Walbrook The Romans centred Londinium on Cornhill and Ludgate Hill, the two mounds rising either side of this river. The leading theory on the origins of the Walbrook's name is simply that it was a brook that ran through the …

2019_128 訳

londonist.com Tyburn This good old London name is infamous from the execution site, dubbed the Tyburn Tree, from which numerous malefactors could be simultaneously hanged. Before the gallows, there was the river, which still flows as a dra…

2019_127 訳

londonist.com Thames For purely alphabetical reasons, London's most important river finds itself near the foot of this article. Thames is perhaps the most ancient name in the London area, and undoubtedly flows back to some pre-Roman appell…

2019_126 訳

londonist.com Stamford Brook London's only river whose name sounds like a US politician (although we think Tyburn Gallows might have made a good Republican senator). This lost stream separated Hammersmith and Chiswick, and gave its name to…

2019_125 作文

これから英会話カフェに行くので自己紹介をしてみようと思います ◆書きたい内容 私は英会話カフェというものに今日はじめてきました。私は時々1人で海外旅行に行きます。だから私は旅行英語であれば話すことができていると思います。しかしネイティブの人と…

2019_124 訳

londonist.com Rom Like the Lea, the Rom also forms the boundary of two boroughs: Barking & Dagenham and Havering. At this point, smartypants readers will have guessed that Romford gets its name as a ford on the River Rom. Not quite. It's t…

2019_123 訳

londonist.com Roding London's only double-entendre river (OK, the Earl's Sluice is another candidate). It oozes from the ground near Stansted Airport, working its way down to Barking Creek and forming much of the boundary between Newham an…

2019_122 作文

◆書きたい内容 あなたはこれから来るどの電車に乗っても浅草に行くことができます。 ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに書いてみる You can get on any train to get to Asakusa. ↓↓↓ ◆上の作文をgoogleさんで訳してみる 浅草までは電車で行くことができます。 そう…

2019_121 訳

londonist.com Ravensbourne This 11-mile river rises in Keston, to the south-east of Greater London, hitting up Bromley, Catford and Lewisham before debouching into Deptford Creek. In fact, Deptford gets its name from its erstwhile situatio…

2019_120 作文

◆書きたい内容 ・私がそこへ案内します。 ・私がここに来たのは7回目です。 ・彼らは急に主張しだした。 ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに書いてみる I'll take you there. It is seven times I came here. They suddenly started to claim about that. ↓↓↓ ◆上の…

2019_119 やさしい英語ニュース

www.eigonews.net 1.まずディクテーションにチャレンジ More labor ministries work our survey. The health labor ministry disclosed on Monday. additional among walk our data. On the labor system. The government has rejected our position calls…

2019_118 作文

◆書きたい内容 ・PARCOのCMは前衛的で面白い ・あなたも旦那さんには我慢しなきゃね ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに書いてみる PARCO's commercial is interesting, because it is avant-garde. You have to the patient of your husband. ↓↓↓ ◆上の作文をgoog…

2019_117 訳

londonist.com Quaggy Ever since we first discovered this south London river, we've wanted to invite Suggs along, push him in, and sing 'Quaggy trousers, Quaggy trousers' until he tells us to shut up. The oddly-named watercourse is a tribut…

2019_116 訳

londonist.com Neckinger St Saviour's Dock near the Design Museum gives some indication of the former outfall of Southwark's River Neckinger. The unusual name is thought to come from 'neckercher', an old cravat or neck-cloth, perhaps becaus…

2019_115 やさしい英語ニュース

www.eigonews.net 1.全体リーディング Use of private English tests delayed The government decided on Friday to postpone the introduction of private-sector English tests as part of unified university entrance exams starting in fiscal 2020. …

2019_114 やさしい英語ニュース

www.eigonews.net なんか素晴らしいサイト見つけたので、やってみようかと思います。 1.全体リーディング Tokyo governor displeased with Olympic marathon switch Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike showed an apparent expression of displeasure on Friday …

2019_113 作文

◆書きたい内容 私がここにいる間は、あなたはそれを使ってもいいです。ただし私はあと15分くらいでここを去ります。 ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに書いてみる Only while I'm here, you can use it. I'll leave here in 15 minutes. ↓↓↓ ◆上の作文をgoogleさん…

2019_112 訳

londonist.com Lea After the Thames, the Lea is the capital's biggest river. You've probably seen it spelt as 'Lee' in some places. You might, had you lived in former times, also have written Ligan, Ligean, Lygan, Luye or Leye — all of whic…

2019_111 訳

londonist.com Hackney Brook Easy. It's a brook that flows through Hackney. The name 'Hackney' probably dates from Anglo-Saxon times, though isn't recorded until the 12th century. Those in the know reckon it's derived from Haca’s ey, an ‘ey…

2019_110 訳

londonist.com Fleet A very well-known subterranean river, the Fleet today flows as a sewer from Hampstead Heath via King's Cross and Farringdon to reach the Thames beneath Blackfriars Bridge. The name is a common one across the land and co…

2019_109 作文

◆書きたい内容 私は風邪をひいています。体がだるいし、熱も少しあるようです。だから今日はマスクをしています。咳をした時に、風邪の菌を移したくないからです。 ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに書いてみる I have a cold. I don't feel well and have a headac…