


2019_118 作文

◆書きたい内容 ・PARCOのCMは前衛的で面白い ・あなたも旦那さんには我慢しなきゃね ↓↓↓ ◆まずは徒然なるままに書いてみる PARCO's commercial is interesting, because it is avant-garde. You have to the patient of your husband. ↓↓↓ ◆上の作文をgoog…

2019_117 訳

londonist.com Quaggy Ever since we first discovered this south London river, we've wanted to invite Suggs along, push him in, and sing 'Quaggy trousers, Quaggy trousers' until he tells us to shut up. The oddly-named watercourse is a tribut…