

2019_114 やさしい英語ニュース





Tokyo governor displeased with Olympic marathon switch

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike showed an apparent expression of displeasure on Friday over the International Olympic Committee’s abrupt decision to move the marathon and race walking events next year to the northern city of Sapporo in order to avoid the extreme summer heat in the capital.


 displease(動詞) 不快にする、怒らせる

 be displeased with 不快である、不満である

 apparent(形容詞) 明らかな、見てわかる

 displeasure(名詞) 不快


 extreme(形容詞) 極度の、膨大な



Tokyo governor / displeased with Olympic marathon switch

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike showed / an apparent expression of displeasure / on Friday / over the International Olympic Committee’s abrupt decision / to move the marathon and race walking events / next year to the northern city of Sapporo / in order to avoid the extreme summer heat in the capital.


Tokyo governor displeased / with Olympic marathon switch

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike / showed an apparent expression of displeasure on Friday / over the International Olympic Committee’s abrupt decision / to move the marathon and race walking events next year / to the northern city of Sapporo / in order to avoid the extreme summer heat in the capital.

ちょっと違う・・・( ˇωˇ ;)


Tokyo governor displeased

東京都知事が不快感を露わに 東京都知事が不快感、

with Olympic marathon switch

オリンピックマラソンの開催地変更に伴って 五輪マラソンの変更に

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike

東京都知事小池百合子氏は 東京都の小池百合子知事が 

showed an apparent expression of displeasure on Friday

金曜日に明らかに不快感を示した 金曜日に不満をあらわにした、

over the International Olympic Committee’s abrupt decision

国際オリンピック委員の突然の決定に 国際オリンピック委員会の突然の決定をめぐって、

to move the marathon and race walking events next year

来年のマラソン競歩の競技を移すという 来年のマラソン競歩の種目を移転するという、

to the northern city of Sapporo

札幌という北の地に 北部の都市である札幌に、

in order to avoid the extreme summer heat in the capital.





Tokyo governor displeased


with Marathon changed with Olympic marathon switch


Tokyo governor Yuriko Koike


showed apparent of displeased on Friday

showed an apparent expression of displeasure on Friday


over the International Olympic committee's abrupt decidion

over the International Olympic Committee’s abrupt decision


to move marathon and walk event in next year

to move the marathon and race walking events next year


to the northern city of Sapporo.


in order to avoid extremely summer heat in capital. 

in order to avoid the extreme summer heat in the capital.


Tokyo governor displeased with Olympic marathon switch

Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike showed an apparent expression of displeasure on Friday over the International Olympic Committee’s abrupt decision to move the marathon and race walking events next year to the northern city of Sapporo in order to avoid the extreme summer heat in the capital.